Teeth 10/18/24 - open ended @New World Stages
mandolin - banjo - acoustic/electric guitars
w/ Brittany Ann Tranbaugh 9/22/24 @xpnfest
pedal steel
w/ Brittany Ann Tranbaugh 7/31/24 @Johnny Brenda’s
pedal steel - mandolin
Illinoise - (substitute) 7/10/24 7PM @St. James Broadway Theater
electric/acoustic guitars - banjo
w/ Brittany Ann Tranbaugh 6/7/24 8PM @Sundown Bar
pedal steel - mandolin
Illinoise - (substitute) 6/7/24 2PM @St. James Broadway Theater
electric/acoustic guitars - banjo
Illinoise - (substitute) 5/30/24 @St. James Broadway Theater
electric/acoustic guitars - banjo
Illinoise - (substitute) 5/21/24 @St. James Broadway Theater
electric/acoustic guitars - banjo
Creators Fest ‘24 with the Louisville Orchestra 5/10&11 @Whitney Hall
music by Tanner Porter
electric guitar
Teeth 2/21/24-4/28/24 @Playwrights Horizons
mandolin - banjo - acoustic/electric guitars
Baby’s First Rodeo 2/10/24 @Ortlieb’s
house band
pedal steel
w/ Brittany Ann Tranbaugh 1/4/24 @Sunny’s Bar BK
electric guitar - pedal steel
Guitarists play for Maui 12/17/23 @https://www.guitaristsplayformaui.org
- benefit concert for Lahaina Jodo Mission
pedal steel guitar
Baby’s First Rodeo - 11/18/23 @Ortlieb’s
w/ Brittany Ann Tranbaugh
pedal steel guitar
SIX - Boleyn Broadway National Tour Fall 2022-7/31/23 Tour Dates
electric/acoustic guitar
Hello/At Last 5/23/23 @Archestratus
pedal steel guitar
Oklahoma! Broadway National Tour Fall 2021-Fall 2022 Tour Dates
electric/acoustic guitar-pedal steel
Hair 07/20/22-08/13/22 @The Weston Playhouse
electric/acoustic guitar
party of one
album release show 07/10/22 @Archestratus
and party!
SIX (Broadway) 12/16/21 @Brooks Atkinsons Theater
electric/acoustic guitar (substitute)
Jess Tsang-Sound Shadows 12/14/21 @IRL
Album Release Show
pedal steel
SIX (Broadway) 10/26/21 @Brooks Atkinsons Theater
electric/acoustic guitar (substitute)
Row SOLD OUT @Williamstown Theatre Festival
electric/acoustic guitar - pedal steel